You've Been Given the Gift of Life, Give it Back!

Welcome friends and family!

Thank you for visiting my blog. It documents my amazing journey from pre to post double lung transplant. I am a 37 year old mother and wife with Cystic Fibrosis who has been more greatly blessed than I could ever imagine possible!

It has been a bumpy ride, but God has given me strength, love, friendship, and, FINALLY, health. My prayers have been answered, my miracle was granted, and I want to share the joy of my new life with you.

If you are a first time visitor, please take a moment to watch The Miracle of Transplantation video below. To me, pictures speak a thousand words.

My entries begin in April of 2008 and my double lung transplant was December 10. Scroll down to my blog archive and you can read from the beginning or jump around. If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the search engine.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or feedback, I would love to hear from you!

I hope I can help you to experience the love God has for each and every one of us!

May God Bless You with Miracles in Your Life! Nancy


Thursday, August 28, 2008

End of IVs

Hello friends,

As of today, I have completed another round of IV antibiotics. I need your prayers. As most of you know, I tend to get sick pretty quickly without the IVs, but I am hoping the infections will stay away for a little while. The current round of IVs has taken a lot out of me, I am exhausted all of the time and extremely nauseous, despite my anti-nausea meds. I am looking forward to a break.

With the holiday weekend approaching, my nerves are on over-drive. Please pray that people choose safety this weekend and don't drink and drive. As much as I hope for the miracle of new lungs, I don't want any families to have to experience tragedy this Labor Day Weekend.

Please stay safe and have a relaxing weekend. All my love! Nancy


Anonymous said...

Nancy, you have a heart of GOLD! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Joni and Steve Jackson

Becky said...

((HUGE HUGS)) I am praying for you girly. Praying you keep your strength. Remember to keep Sweet Pea near and you will find comfort.

PS...have you given her a straw yet? Our Twinkle, will seriously keep up laughing for hours with one.

Deb said...

Dear my friend,
I continue to keep you ever so close in heart and prayer... Keep your strength and spirits up; your miracle is coming soon.
Love you!

The Basye-Arland Crew! said...

Nancy! Lots of prayers ur way gal! I am hoping you are resting, and staying infection free. You are amazing!

Lots of love,

Cammi said...

Positive thinking....positive thinking....positive thinking....and LOTS of prayers! Let's hope this "End of IVs" is a smooth transition and keeps you strong for several weeks (or more!) Much love is being sent your way from the Stohl/Brady family!

The Miracle of Transplantation

Pause the music player before watching.