You've Been Given the Gift of Life, Give it Back!

Welcome friends and family!

Thank you for visiting my blog. It documents my amazing journey from pre to post double lung transplant. I am a 37 year old mother and wife with Cystic Fibrosis who has been more greatly blessed than I could ever imagine possible!

It has been a bumpy ride, but God has given me strength, love, friendship, and, FINALLY, health. My prayers have been answered, my miracle was granted, and I want to share the joy of my new life with you.

If you are a first time visitor, please take a moment to watch The Miracle of Transplantation video below. To me, pictures speak a thousand words.

My entries begin in April of 2008 and my double lung transplant was December 10. Scroll down to my blog archive and you can read from the beginning or jump around. If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the search engine.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or feedback, I would love to hear from you!

I hope I can help you to experience the love God has for each and every one of us!

May God Bless You with Miracles in Your Life! Nancy


Monday, November 23, 2009

An Awesome Weekend!

For the last several months Hannah and I have been counting down to an exciting (for us) event. The release of New Moon, the movie to the second book in Stephenie Meyer's series Twilight. This past Friday New Moon opened in Theaters and on Saturday, Scott, Hannah, and I stood in line for 45 minutes to get in to see the film (I bought our tickets a month ago, knowing this weekend would be sold out.) I don't think I have been that excited about something in a long time.

I enjoyed the movie a lot, it was very true to the book, but I have to admit I am still processing it. I think Hannah and I are going to try to go again this Wednesday, maybe then I will have a more concrete feeling about it.

I don't believe I have ever mentioned my love for the Twilight Saga here on my blog, which is surprising considering Scott thinks I am obsessed, but I need to explain why this series means so much to me.

Do you remember last year when I returned from Pittsburgh? After my parents left I was a wreck. Hannah's friends were all into Twilight, so we rented the movie. I enjoyed it and decided to read the next book in the series. I got hooked. I had been unable to concentrate on reading, but for some reason, these books kept me focused and interested. I started using them as a reward and motivator to get myself to do the things that were causing me anxiety around the house. "Once I do the dishes, I can read another chapter. After I fold that laundry, I can read another chapter." It was just the reward I needed to keep me functioning.

I have since re-read the series a second time and could pick it back up and read it again. I love the characters, feel like I know them, and have enjoyed following the story of their lives. For those of you with misperceptions about the books, they are not horror stories, but stories of human (vampire, werewolf) bonds, love, loyalty, compassion, and friendship. I look forward to seeing the next two movies in the years to come.

On a side note, I have to point out a very STUPID thing I did. I forgot to bring a mask. I am trying to get back in the habit of wearing masks when I am in a crowd. I can't think of a much worse place to go without a mask than to a theater full of children and teens. If I get sick, I totally deserve it, but please pray that I don't.

My love to you all! Nancy

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The Miracle of Transplantation

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