Hannah and I had an interesting trip. We left Buffalo on Monday evening at 6:10 and when we arrived in Cleveland, we found out our plane to Indianapolis had been delayed until 11:00, we were supposed to be in Indianapolis by 10:15. We had over four hours to kill in Cleveland and finally arrived in Indianapolis at 12:05 a.m. I had a reservation at an area hotel, and it was after 1:00 before the shuttle got us there. We needed to be back to meet our family at 5:00 a.m. So I had a total of 2 hours sleep.
My niece, nephews, and their mom were waiting for us at the airport when we arrived and what a joyous meeting! I have waited for this for 12 years, ever since my niece Amber was born. To be honest, I felt like we had been getting together their whole lives, everything was comfortable and easy. The kids were very nervous about the plane ride, but once we were up in the air, they loved every minute!
Coming home has truly been the highlight of my post transplant experience for several wonderful reasons. I am here with three children whom I have loved their whole loves, yet never been able to hold; I am in my beloved home with the two best parents in the ENTIRE world and my sweet daughter; and I am breathing easy, without oxygen here, INCREDIBLE!
I can't wait to share pictures with you. Hannah has the camera, they all headed off with Granddaddy this morning to visit a rescue center for birds. I am trying to recover from my lack of sleep while traveling.
Thank you for your many prayers, they are SO appreciated!