You've Been Given the Gift of Life, Give it Back!

Welcome friends and family!

Thank you for visiting my blog. It documents my amazing journey from pre to post double lung transplant. I am a 37 year old mother and wife with Cystic Fibrosis who has been more greatly blessed than I could ever imagine possible!

It has been a bumpy ride, but God has given me strength, love, friendship, and, FINALLY, health. My prayers have been answered, my miracle was granted, and I want to share the joy of my new life with you.

If you are a first time visitor, please take a moment to watch The Miracle of Transplantation video below. To me, pictures speak a thousand words.

My entries begin in April of 2008 and my double lung transplant was December 10. Scroll down to my blog archive and you can read from the beginning or jump around. If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the search engine.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or feedback, I would love to hear from you!

I hope I can help you to experience the love God has for each and every one of us!

May God Bless You with Miracles in Your Life! Nancy


Tuesday, December 16, 2008



Cammi said...

OH MY GOODNESS SAKES!! And you are doing it with a smile on your face!! It looks like you are fighting through the pain, well. You are amazing. We are THRILLED with your progress. Congratulations on being SO AWESOME!

Nancy's Dad said...


The picture was taken BEFORE the terrible afternoon pain episodes started...I just wasn't able to get around to posting it until I got back to the apartment tonight.

She was resting pretty well when Ann and I had to leave tonight, but we are both dead is SOOO hard to see her in so much pain when it happens. We think the doctor has a solution so we have our fingers and toes crossed he's right!


Anonymous said...

Nancy, You continue to amaze me! I'm praying for your pain. Love you, sister.

Blomquist Blog said...


WOW!! You are such an inspiration to so many. You keep making those strides toward your goal. I hope it continues to go so well for you. I love you so much. Keep that smile a glowing!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!!! You are amazing Nancy! You brighten up a room! Keep up the good work. We love you so much and are sending you all our love and prayers! What a wonderful Christmas this will be!
All my love! Kisses to all!


Amy Deahr said...

Go Nancy!! You look amazing!! You'll be running laps around those halls soo! Keep up the good work and know that we are praying for you, thinking of you and loving you!

Lots of love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.
Keep on fighting Nancy, you look wonderful!
Love always, Caren and Julia

The Miracle of Transplantation

Pause the music player before watching.